Guy Pratt bass player for Pink Floyd talks about his vintage Fender Jazz Bass given to him David Gilmour as a wedding present. The bass was originally David Gilmore's own personal vintage Fender Jazz Bass guitar and Guy Pratt drooled over it constantly while touring with David. Now it's his, nice present if you got the right friends.
The Fender Jazz bass is a classic, the first bass that Leo Fender designed to get the bass electrified, and amazingly like his other designs (Telecaster and Stratocaster) he got it spot on first time. The Fender Jazz bass still remains one of the most user friendly and best sounding bassist of all time.
Heres a couple of videos, first Guy Pratt telling his story of how he acquired his Fender Jazz bass, and the second is an interview with Fender Bassman Jay Piccirillo talking about Leo Fenders original ideas and comparisons with the Fender P bass.
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