Robert Johnson is a true guitar legend with a story to match. His guitar playing and music isn't just amazing its magical. Eric Clapton was one of the first mainstream artist to make Robert Johnson's music more widely known with his cover of Crossroads, puttings a modern twist to an old school blues song.
Eric Clapton recorded performances of Robert Johnson's music "Eric Clapton - Sessions for Robert Johnson", he tried to play note for note and sing at the same time. Eric admitted it was the hardest thing he ever done, and still after many years of studying Robert Johnson he admitted he still can't play it note for note, in fact he said "it would be a lifetimes work", and Eric Clapton is Robert Johnson's number one fan, however, his attempt was undoubtely close and the feel of Robert Johnson is there, he done a great job. If you haven't got the DVD then your missing out.
In the video below you'll see Eric playing "Love in Vain" with his Martin 000-ECHF Belleza Bianca Acoustic Guitar, this guitar is beautiful, finished in white, grand piano like. Amazing tone, spruce top and big flamed maple back and sides, along with Eric Claptons playing, this guitar does Robert Johnsons Love in Vain song justice.
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