Noel Gallagher announced the split up of Oasis on 29th of August 2009 after Liam broke Noel's guitar after an argument. Oasis have a reputation for arguments between the two brothers, I've seen numerous interviews of Noel and Liam saying they will never split. But it seems like it's finally happened.
I've been trying to find out which guitar Liam smashed up. I know if someone smashed up one of my favourite guitars I would be angry too. Noel Gallagher over the years has owned and made famous various guitars. His iconic union jack Epiphone Sheraton caught peoples eye and Epiphone even made a signature model of it. His acoustic of choice seems to be his Gibson J200, I remember when I saw a video of Noel playing Masterplan with that guitar, I wanted one so much! The Gibson ES 335 custom with a bigsby that Noel's been playing recently, seen in the clip below, that guitar looks gorgeous. If it was any of these guitar no wonder Noel went crazy and left the band.
I've been trying to find out which guitar Liam smashed up. I know if someone smashed up one of my favourite guitars I would be angry too. Noel Gallagher over the years has owned and made famous various guitars. His iconic union jack Epiphone Sheraton caught peoples eye and Epiphone even made a signature model of it. His acoustic of choice seems to be his Gibson J200, I remember when I saw a video of Noel playing Masterplan with that guitar, I wanted one so much! The Gibson ES 335 custom with a bigsby that Noel's been playing recently, seen in the clip below, that guitar looks gorgeous. If it was any of these guitar no wonder Noel went crazy and left the band.
I've been searching all over the net and can't find out which guitar was smashed up, anyone got any links or knows which one? The only other clue I've heard is that it was a Gretsch, I'd love to see a picture of that Gretsch, what kind of Gretsch has Noel been playing recently?
If it really is the end of Oasis, then it's the end of the best british rock band in recent years, Oasis was one of the first bands I loved, and "Don't Look Back in Anger" was the first guitar solo I learnt. What will happen now? Maybe Noel will go on to do a solo album and Liam Gallagher will continue with Oasis. Well, thats a lesson for you singers out there, don't smash up the guitarist guitar unless you have permission, especially if it's a 1959 Gibson Les Paul, you'll have every guitarist in the world out for your blood.
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