Eric Sardinas guitar gear is usually simple, a resonator guitar, and a slide. All other guitar gear inbetween wouldn't make a difference. Eric Sardinas is one of the coolest current blues players out there playing a resonator guitar usually a Dobro and a slide, and he's made it suit his image and sound. He also has a signature guitar model Washburn out. His new signature is a Gibson Dobro, wood bodied, single cone resonator.
Check out his amazing playing in the video below:
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I first saw Eric Sardinas live at a Steve Vai concert, I didn't know who he was then and to be honest thought he sounded terrible, not his playing but his live sound, it sounded too messy and loud, and you couldn't hear what he was playing. After listen to clearer versions his his music I became a fan. Eric Sardinas sound with his guitar gear and Resonator guitar is one of the most exciting players I've heard playing the blues. His image is also what you would expect, a raw American blooded white blues player from the country.
Eric Sardinas Interview with Dunlop TV about his gear:
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Eric Sardinas Washburn ES10 signature guitar resonator
Gibson Dobros
Slide: Dunlop Preachin' Pipe Brash Guitar Slide
This signature slide is based on Eric Sardinas original slide he used since he was 14 which after years of play sculpted itself to his fingers and playing.
Amp: Rivera sutom amp.
Effects: Dunlop Crybaby, MXR Phase 90,
Cables ect: Dunlop
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